Thursday 12 September 2013

FIN 366 Week 5 Final Exam ·

FIN 366 Financial Institutions

1.            If purchasing power parity applied to Big Macs, and a Big Mac cost $2.50 in the United States while the British pound cost $1.50 and €0.90 euros could be obtained for $1.00, (a) how much would the Big Mac cost in Britain and (b) Germany respectively?

2.            Calculate the gross profit that an underwriter would make if it sold $10 million worth of bonds at par (face value) and paid the firm that sold the bonds 99.25% of par.

3.            An expansion in the U.S. money supply

4.            Which Fed action does not directly increase total reserves in the banking system?

5.            If the cost of yen per dollar changes from 100 to 110 yen per dollar,

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